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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Sigma Nu different from other fraternities?

We could say that it is the size of our membership, our ethical leadership program entitled LEAD, possibly our military heritage, or even our unique founding in opposition to hazing that makes us different from other fraternities. But the simple quality that sets us apart from any other fraternity in existence is Honor. In fact, Sigma Nu is the only fraternity in existence that was founded upon the principle of Honor and remains so today.

What is the difference between and candidate and a Brother?

The difference between a candidate, which is our term for pledge, and a Brother (member) are minimal. A candidate and a Brother are offered the same opportunities within the group. Each has the opportunity to share his opinions and ideas. Each has opportunities for leadership and personal growth. Both have the choice to become involved in other activities on campus and within the community. The difference between the two revolves around the knowledge about Sigma Nu and its values and principles. These are things that you will be taught during your candidate period.

If you're a fraternity, why don't you have a house?

First of all, the point of a fraternity is not to have a beautiful house that you end up trashing in a drunken stupor. A fraternity is a group of like-minded men who learn and grow together, and build lifelong friendships along the way. A building is not required for this process. Second, we are currently working on getting a house for the purpose of Brotherhood-building and so that we may sponsor events in a more controllable atmosphere, away from school.

Are you guys like Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds?

Absolutely not (however those movies are awesome!). Unfortunately, some fraternities and sororities have been the proverbial bad apples in the barrel of the Greek system. Sigma Nu is a group of responsible, ethical men who practice the ideals of Love, Honor, and Truth. We do not engage in harmful pranks, property destruction, binge drinking, or any other illegal or unethical activity.

What is hazing?

Hazing is any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule.


Sigma Nu Fraternity was founded in-part as an opposition to the practice of hazing at the Virginia Military Institute. Hazing is not only illegal, but strictly spoken against in our bylaws. We believe that hazing is an activity for boys, not men, who cannot properly manage their aggression. Therefore, the hypocrisy of hazing should and will never be tolerated by our National Organization, nor by the Mu Pi Chapter.


Learn more here.

I'm interested in Sigma Nu, what should I do?

Our Chapter conducts two candidate periods each school year--Fall and Spring. Each period is preceded by a Rush week, during which we attempt to create interest in the Fraternity. If you are interested in Sigma Nu, please pay attention to campus postings for our Rush events. An even better way, however, is to voice interest at any time of the year. Call or email one of our current Brothers and find out when we are hosting an event. We are more than happy to keep prospective members informed!  Fill out a membership inquiry form here.

What do you guys do?

Below is a list of activities and organizations in which members of the chapter participate or have participated in the past.

ΣN - hosted by Sigma Nu


Campus Organizations

ΣN L.E.A.D. - Sigma Nu's Leadership Program

I.F.G.C. - Inter-fraternal Greek Council

Office of Student Engagement

S.O.S.A - Student Organization of Sustainable Action

Accounting Society

International Student Association

Future Alumni Association

G.S.A. - Gay Straight Alliance

Philadelphia University LEAD Program

Latin American Student Organization

Honors Society

Asian Cultural Association

Video Game Club


Philanthropy Events

ΣN Adopt-a-Highway

Charity Brunch - Wounded Warrior Project

Cards for CHOP - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Greeksgiving - Philabundance

Food/Can Drive - Food Resource Network

Color Run - Salvation Army

Philadelphia Park Day (participation w/ SOSA)


Charity Events

ΣN Bike for a Cure - Susan G. Komen, PANCAN

ChemoClothes (participation w/ GFI)

Deepher Dude - Cystic Fibrosis (participation w/ DPE)

Relay for Life - American Cancer Society


Social Events

ΣN Wing Bowl

ΣN Rush Events (varies)

ΣN Sigma Nu Intramurals

Greek Week (particpation w/ IFGC)

© 2023 The Mu Pi Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity


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